What is Embodiment?
Embodiment is often thought of as something women should to do the be more feminine. But embodiment is so much more about coming home to our true selves and deepening connection than being more or less of anything.
We all need embodiment, no matter our gender.
Embodiment is a felt sense of being in your body and feeling safe in your body, without judgement, including an awareness of sensations, breath, emotions and boundaries.
Not only is it a felt connection with your body as your home, but it is being able to speak the language of your body and be receptive to its signals.
Many of us were taught in a disembodied education system - we were not taught to attune to ourselves and receive our body's wisdom. We were taught to leave our body and retreat to the thinking mind to find the answers.
And regardless of the quality of our upbringing, it’s impossible not to learn somewhere along the way that some emotions are safer to feel than others, which further disconnects us from our felt experience.
Embodiment helps us establish a felt sense of home (safety) in our body and safety in feeling and expressing our emotions, both of which are foundational for having deeper intimacy and better sex.
Beyond feeling safe to be with and guided by our present moment feelings and intuitions without over-thinking and over-efforting, embodiment helps us to have a felt connection to pleasurable sensations, tastes, smells and sounds (sensual embodiment) and a felt connection to sexual energy and arousal (sexual embodiment).
Embodiment is medicine.
If you’re often in your head, overthinking decisions, judging yourself or others, or thinking about your to do list…
Or if you ever dissociate (leave your body) during sex and have a hard time feeling connected to yourself and your lover in these moments…
Or feel disconnected from your body, and "numb down there", making sex feel like more of a chore than something pleasurable and connecting…
You could be living a disembodied life. The good news is that you can learn how to live in your body and receive more pleasure in each moment using the embodiment and intimacy practices I teach.
Schedule a free consult to explore working together >>
Our bodies are our felt connection to our emotions, each other and the outside world. Without a loving connection to and dialogue with our bodies, we miss out on so much inherent wisdom.
It’s time to develop your landing strip for connection and pleasure, which requires a somatic (body-based) approach. Schedule a consult to see if my approach is right for you.
Here's to coming home to our bodies.
About the Author: Allie Andrews
Whether it’s through boutique coaching, intimate groups, transformational workshops, public speaking or writing, Allie helps recovering people pleasers and high-achievers create happy, secure relationships where they feel seen, safe and empowered to step boldly into their unique gifts and purpose.
Allie is a Somatica® trained Sex and Relationship Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher and Certified Holistic Health Coach with her Masters in Education. Learn more >>